Heads and leading experts of the U.S. and European associations for treatment and prophylactics of opium dependence, representatives of the World Committee for Drug Control of UN, Agency for Combating Narcotics of the Ministry of Justice of the Unites States, U.N. Head Office for Combating Narcotics and Crimes in Russia and Belarus arrived and participated actively in the conference being invited by L.A.Bokeria. The range of countries represented at the conference is quite wide: Russia, USA, Canada, Italy, Great Britain, China, etc.
Антинаркотики России. Народная модель профилактики наркомании. Национальный антинаркотический фронт России. Народный фронт борьбы с наркоманией в России. Академия влияния. Выбираю жизнь. Россия - Родина моя. Единая линия поддержки действий Президента РФ... Против наркотиков.
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